Pirate Swing
March 8 - 10 2013 ~ Ann Arbor, MI
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Tracks, Classes, etc

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A note from the organizers

Pirate Swing is about having fun while social dancing. Just like the social dance floor, each class will contain dancers with varied skills and experience. This is a good thing, because learning with each other in class will help you have better dances with each other later.

That said, in order to keep class sizes reasonable and to let dancers work with others of roughly similar ability, we do ask you to sort yourselves into tracks. We want you to be in the track that will provide the best possible learning experience. If you choose a track you aren't prepared for you'll find yourself struggling to keep up, which will disrupt the learning experience for you and the other students in the class.

Pirate Swing has four main tracks, each of which includes classes in both Lindy Hop and Blues. The "Swabbing", "Dunking" and "Flogging" tracks are open to all students who fit the appropriate descriptions, while the "Keelhauling" track requires an audition.

The beatings will continue until swingouts improve